Liposuction is a elective surgical procedure designed to do one thing. That is to remove fat cells from the area being liposuction. Some people are born with many more fat cells in one area in than another,commonly in men around the waist line. This is know as the “love handles”. In fact every where else on the body may appear thin.
Its a real problem if someone is born with a disproportionate distribution of fat cells especially if they are in the military. They can be in great shape, but fail the taping standards of the military which can lead to exclusion or failure to promote.
Above Soldier lost 7 inches off his waist with Liposuction.
Fortunately, liposuction can remedy this problem via the simple procedure performed by a plastic surgeon. The surgeon will evaluate you, maybe take measurements and estimate how much fat can be removed. If the surgeon has a lot of experience with this procedure for the goal of passing the service members test they can take a good guess about passing.
So the answer to the question:
Can liposuction help me pass the military tape test?
The answer is a resounding yes ! It definitely can and we will be happy to show you how. Dr. Pasquale is very experienced with over 25 years of helping service members beat the tape test , no tricks no catches just a simple procedure which takes less than a week to get back to work.
Liposuction can advance your military career.
Beware of non surgical methods , they may be good for a 110 lb woman who has a small area but will not get rid of inches even though they claim it will. This is the real deal for those who want to get rid of a many inches so they can pass the tape test.
Don’t wait but call soon, it takes about 3 weeks for most of the swelling to go down and you want to maximize the result.
Consultations are complimentary for for our military patients.
Call 808 737-0205