Liposuction to pass military tape test

Did you know that
Dr. Pasquale has been quoted in over 200 newspapers and magazines, as well as radio and television regarding the military tape test for a military standard.
After 25 years experience in getting soldiers , sailors, marines as well as the air force service members ready for this tape test he knows well what is needed.
Many times when he evaluates you he can quickly tell you how many inches are possible and if you will meet the requirements.
The dreaded military tape test
The tape test is taken by soldiers when the body fat percentage is in question. As many of you know the tape measurement is taken around the neck and around the waist, wrist and hips. These measurements are used to calculate the body fat percentage and determine if you meet the standards. A military member who does want to meet the requirements will have to reduce some areas and build up others since the ratios are important. A thick neck and small circumferential waist line will do the trick.
Liposuction can really help. We have at times taken 2, 3 and even 6 inches off a military members waist thus enabling them to pass the tape test.
It gives us great pleasure to “save” someone’s career or “help” with promotion. On the military tape test can be hindrance to promotion on the other hand its easy to know and meet the requirements.
This is an example of plastic surgery helping a service member. Its not just for cosmetic reasons but really helps the service member.
Plastic surgery for military members can help commanders retain excellent service men and woman they may otherwise lose due to standards.
Military Commanders are concerned about one thing with regards to plastic surgery. They want their troops to be ready for duty and to pass military standards.
If the troop cannot pass the standard due to excess body fat then they may lose that troop. So many times commanders may encourage their military personnel to do what it takes to pass these standards.
If Plastic Surgery works such as liposuction of the abdomen to decrease the waist line and pass the tape test so be it.